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To all budding stylists, potential assitants, and potential interns:


What I am looking for:

*Dedication + hard work + attention to detail
*Social Media skills
*Wordpress blogging experience
*Techy master (iPhone syncing, basic Photoshop, etc.)
*Great communication skills, especially on the phone
*Grasp of branding and why it’s important
*Good writing skills (no spelling or grammar mistakes)
*An eye for style
*Sees the light side of things


Fill this out and send it to my email:

E-mail | First Name | Last Name | Twitter @ | Phone Number | What special skills do you have? | Include your resume | Reference name and number | I am seeking: A paid internship / Unpaid assistant gig | What days & times are you free?


Coming soon : The Paid Stylist Program - Fall 2015


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